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Chicken & Buckwheat Udon Noodles

This recipe can be used with any noodles you choose - including spiralised vegetables.  It is quick to cook, soothing and delicious to eat. 


2 Tbs Sesame Oil

5 Mushrooms - sliced

1 carrot - Julienned

2 spring onions - chopped

3 cloves garlic - crushed

1 Tbs Ginger - minced or grated

2 Tbs chopped coriander

2 tbs soy sauce

2 tbs Mirin (Chinese white cooking wine)

1 Tsp honey (or sugar)

1 Tbs Sweet sherry ( or red wine at a pinch)

500g Chicken - sliced thinly


Cook the chicken in sesame oil.  When cooked add all other ingredients (except noodles) and cook until all heated through.

Add Udon noodles and warm through within the mixture.


Eat until it's all gone - absolutely delicious.




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